Complete "Write Your Own" series
Compass Point Books | 2006-2009 18 PDF | 823 MB
Compass Point Books | 2006-2009 18 PDF | 823 MB
Aimed at middle school reading level, realistic range would be from upper elementary on up. For adults, would be useful to get a "feel" of the genres, though these aren't hefty duty "how to write" texts.
Readers become writers with tips from expert authors. Each book concentrates on a particular genre, providing writing activities, excerpts from well-known works, and a writer’s timeline to help translate imagination into real stories.
Write Your Own Adventure Story by Tish Farrell [ISBN: 0756516382]
Provides tips on how write adventure stories, including how to get started, how to create characters, and how to develop plots. Includes suggestions from famous authors.
Write Your Own Article: Newspaper, Magazine, Online by Sara Gilbert [ISBN: 0756538556]
Writing an article is an interesting way to share information. An article starts with an idea but research reveals the real story. This book will help you learn how to write a clear and concise news or feature story that people will be eager to read. And you'll learn something in the process.
Write Your Own Autobiography by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 0756535255]
Take an eye-opening look at yourself - inside and out. Knowing yourself is important as you write your own autobiography. The writing process will help you explore and explain what you see inside yourself. And it may even change your life!
Write Your Own Biography by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 075653366X]
Biographies take readers on journeys through the lives of other people. They may be famous people from the distant past or someone in your very own family. This book is the key that will help you unlock and explain the mysteries of someone else's life.
Write Your Own Fable by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 075654128X]
Your imagination will guide you as you explore the worldwide tradition of fables. Long before stories were written down, storytellers told short tales called fables to entertain and instruct listeners. You, too, can write a fable and use your clever mind to sum up the lesson taught by your fascinating tale.
Write Your Own Fairy Tale by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 0756533694]
Fairy tales transport readers to magical places where good battles evil and heroic deeds are done. Fantastic creatures inhabit these fairy-tale worlds, where supernatural events happen during everyday life. Someone often lives happily ever after in these enchanting tales, but what makes the character happy can be surprising.
Write Your Own Fantasy Story by Tish Farrell [ISBN: 0756516390]
Fantasy is one of the most popular types of fiction. Fantasy stories- from The Wizard of Oz to Harry Potter- feature characters, places, and events that are beyond what is possible in our world. These stories make amazing, surprising, and fantastic things seem completely real, and these tales hold readers in their grip from beginning to end.
Write Your Own Folktale by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 0756535166]
Your imagination will be your bridge into the worldwide tradition of folktales. Long before stories were written down, storytellers spoke, sang, and chanted tales to delight listeners and teach children good behavior. Whether they cause laughter or tears, all folktales communicate values. This book will help you share your own wit and wisdom in a compelling way.
Write Your Own Graphic Novel by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 0756538564]
Graphic novels are a popular new way to tell all kinds of stories. Topics in these book-length comics range from exciting adventure stories to compelling scientific and historical topics. This book will help you keep the big picture in sight as your graphic novel takes shape.
Write your Own Historical Fiction by Tish Farrell [ISBN: 0756516404]
Historical fiction brings the past to life through the creation of imaginary characters. These characters- whether they are gladiators engaged in brutal battles, pioneer children facing the struffles of the frontier, or innocent people forced into prison camps during World War II- often encounter real people and events from the past. But their stories have a sort of drama and evergy not found in history books.
Write Your Own Legend by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 0756535697]
The bold and daring heroes of legends are probably based on real people. Their adventures, battles, and romances all have roots in history. Yet the many tales told and written about legendary figures frequently add magical, mysterious elements to their lives and deeds. You can venture into this exciting world, too.
Write Your Own Mystery by Tish Farrell [ISBN: 0756516412]
Great mysteries often begin with a simple question: Who did it? Mysteries follow their characters on journeys to discover the culprit. ALong the way, suspense builds as the characters throw themselves into dangerous situations while they edge nearer and nearer to the truth. Readers can hardly wait to find out what happens next.
Write Your Own Myth by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 0756533724]
For thousands of years, people around the world have sought answers to the great mysteries of life. How did the world begin? Why are there stars in the sky? What happens after death? Seeking answers, they told stories about gods and godesses, heroes and monsters, spirits and fantastic creatures. These stories became myths.
Write Your Own Nonfiction by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 0756541301]
Do you often post the questions "Why?" or "How?" or "What's next?" If you want to find out the answers, you will enjoy writing nonfiction. This book will help you present intriguing facts with your own personal flair.
Write Your Own Poetry by Laura Purdie Salas [ISBN: 0756535204]
No topic is off-limits in poetry. Whether you want to write poems that make people laugh out loud, gasp in surprise, or see things in a new way, this book is for you. Conquer the blank page and express your thoughts, feelings, and observations in the magical world of poetry.
Write Your Own Realistic Fiction by Tish Farrell [ISBN: 0756516420]
The thrills and tragedies of everyday living come into focus in realistic fiction. These stories take on the issues that matter to everyone- from relationships with family and friends to struggles against discrimination and illness. Whether it is comic or tragic, reliastic fiction sends characters through many challenges, and readers learn something about life as the story pulls them along.
Write Your Own Science Fiction Story by Tish Farrell [ISBN: 0756516439]
Science fiction spinds real scientific facts and ideas into imaginative tales. These stories can show us life in a future world or in another world altogether. Science fiction can send characters on travels through time and space or pit them against the forces of evil, showing us the dangers and wonders the future may hold.
Write Your Own Tall Tale by Natalie M. Rosinsky [ISBN: 0756533759]
Tall tales are chock-full of heroes whose impossible explots often explain America's landscape. Their incredible adventures will leave you grinning. Some of the larger-than-life characters in these whoppers are based on real people, while others spring forth from the imaginations of writers just like you.
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